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Equipping the Saints (mini) Conference

Date: October 19th, 9am-3:30pm
Place: St. Mary's Kerrisdale, 2490 W 37th Ave, Vancouver, BC
Cost: 15.00
(from the Archdeaconry of Granville? Use Promo code: DEANERY5 for a 5.00 discount!)
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Join an assembly of lay leaders and clergy from across our Diocese for a much-needed opportunity to gather in prayer, to listen, learn, connect, and grow together! The day includes a plenary speaker, the ability to attend two workshops and a catered lunch.

All are welcome! Tickets are $15 to offset costs for food. Registration is through the Diocese's Learning Centre for Mission and Formation. If you need childcare provided in order to attend, please phone (604) 261-4228 ext.226


Conference Schedule

9am - Breakfast/Social

9:30am - Opening Worship

10am - Opening Plenary

11:30am - Workshop 1

12:30pm - Lunch

1:30pm - Workshop 2

2:45pm - Final Remarks/Closing Worship

3:30pm - End

Plenary Speaker: Alison Silgardo CEO of Seniors Services Society of BC

Alison Silgardo has been working with seniors and their housing for over 14 years. Her experience spans three continents Asia, Europe and North America. Alison’s work has included strategic planning and visioning to operations, knowledge exchange and training as well as evaluation, implementation and audit in these sectors.   Alison participates on a number of local and provincial level committees and groups with a focus on enhancement of system delivery. Her mission in her role leading Seniors Services Society is to enhance the quality of daily life of low income senior renters by developing a blue print for their care, knowledge exchange and training and developing a framework for implementation of a system of care for this group of seniors.


Workshop Series 1 (11:30am-12:30pm)

"Giving with Joy, Estate Planning as Christian Discipleship" with Rev. Dr. Katherine Hough

Whoever thought estate planning was part of our discipleship? Yet God calls us to be generous with the gifts S/He gave us. By preparing now we relieve our loved ones from the burden of trying to second guess our wishes after our death and allows us to be generous and joyful in providing gifts to charitable causes. This workshop will provide you with the tools and information you need for a will, a representation agreement and a power of attorney. 

Rev. Dr. Hough has been a lawyer for over 40 years, first working as Crown Counsel and then specializing primarily in Wills & Estates. Currently her area of practice is confined to Wills and Estate Planning. Dr. Hough is also an Anglican priest, having been ordained for over 30 years ago with her ministry primarily in the Diocese of Kootenay and has recently moved to the Diocese of New Westminster where she is the Incumbent at St Augustine’s Marpole.

Dr. Hough has provided Wills Seminars to many different church groups focusing on the need for estate planning, representation agreements and powers of attorney. She also focuses on the Christian call to embrace charitable giving through estate planning.

"Communion Administrant Training Workshop" with Rev. Roberta Fraser

Being a Lay Eucharistic Minister is more than just knowing the right words to say. How we share the bread of life and the cup of blessing is more than a mechanical act; it is a moment of communion, not just between God and the recipient, but between the minister of communion and the recipient. In this workshop you will learn the practical skills and explore the spiritual "why" behind this liturgical ministry.

Rev. Roberta Fraser is the associate priest at St. Mary's Kerrisdale. She has been a priest for over 25 years. Having first worked in Science and Engineering, she has a passion for Creation Care. Roberta loves to share her faith with others and to help deepen their spiritual disciplines/practices through leading various Christian Formation workshops and seasonal series. 

"Eucharistic Visitor Workshop" - PART 1 - with Rev. Jessica Schaap

This is a workshop for people to develop and increase confidence and skills in offering the ministry of home communion or eucharistic visiting. The workshop is 3 hours long (sectioned into 3 parts) and includes: developing skills in pastoral listening, scheduling and preparing for visits, making visits, learning a simple liturgy, and practicing with home communion kits debriefing and reporting with the team and priest in charge. We will focus on practical details as well as prayerful preparation. This workshop can be taken in preparation for licensing to this ministry or to discern your own calling to it.

Rev. Jessica Schaap has been an ordained Anglican priest in the diocese of New Westminster for over 15 years. Since 2018, she has been the Missioner for Christian Formation for the diocese. Her mandate includes the development and support of Christian formation for all ages. Recently, she co-edited a comprehensive guide to the Anglican Church of Canada entitled: To Love and Serve: Anglican Beliefs and Practices (Forward Movement, 2023) and launched the diocesan Learning Centre for Mission and Formation. She lives in East Vancouver with her spouse, Harry, daughter Madeleine, one cat, and several bird feeders. 

Workshop series 2 (1:30pm-2:45pm)

"Practicing Healing Prayer in Worship" with Rev. David Taylor

Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord (James 5:14). In this workshop, we will learn how to use holy oil as we pray for those in need.

Rev. David Taylor is the Rector of St. Mark Ocean Park as of September 2023. David has grown up in the Anglican tradition, having a background in the Pentecostal church. He has degrees from Summit Pacific Bible College in Abbotsford, Regent College in Vancouver and the Vancouver School of Theology. He is married with two adopted children. David’s passion is to re-connect people to the Scripture and the depth of the spiritual history of Christianity. David is both Spiritual and Religious. He delights in the personal spiritual journey of the heart, and he works to ensure the marginalised are cared for. He is also a composer of worship music and liturgy. His work can be found by clicking HERE

"Dementia-Friendly Communities - Introductory Workshop" with Anna Markey

As the population of our province ages, we will all be affected by dementia - as friends and family members, neighbours, clergy, and members of a congregation. Join us for this Dementia-Friendly Communities introductory workshop where we will learn more about dementia, develop communication strategies for dementia-friendly interactions, and explore ideas to ensure that people affected by dementia continue to feel supported, included and welcomed in their faith experience and community.

Anna Markey is the Provincial Coordinator for Dementia-Friendly Communities with the Alzheimer Society of B.C. Anna is trained as an Occupational Therapist and spent many years working in acute health care, long term care, and occupational rehabilitation before completing her Master of Environmental Studies degree in Community Development and Health. For the past ten years, Anna has worked in the not-for-profit sector where her focus has been on community accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. Anna has worked for the Alzheimer's Society of BC since September 2021 in the community services department and the community engagement team.

"Eucharistic Visitor Workshop" - PART 2 with Rev. Jessica Schaap

This workshop continues from the morning's first part and ends at 3:45pm.
